Thursday, March 5, 2015

Harrison Ford in severe plane crash on the golf course – Aftonbladet

Hollywood / Stockholm Harrison Ford has crashed with his classic aircraft from 1942 down on a golf course in Venice, Los Angeles.

According to TMZ, the actor seriously injured.

– There was blood all over his face, says a witness to NBC.

The American actor Harrison Ford has crashed on a golf course in Los Angeles, writes TMZ.

Ford will himself have sat behind the controls of the two-seater fighter aircraft when something went wrong and he crashed.

In an audio file BuzzFeed published contacting Ford flight tower shortly after takeoff.

– I have engine trouble, have to turn immediately, he says in the audio clip that you can listen to here.

“Blood in your face”

Eyewitnesses say TMZ that Ford had several wounds in the head and was bleeding heavily.

Two doctors who were on Penmarbanan rushed forward to rescue him. Shortly after arriving ambulance that brought the actor to a nearby hospital.

– There was blood all over his face. Two very good doctor treated him and took good care of him. I helped put a blanket over his lap, said Howard Tabe, who works at the golf course, NBC.

– I can confirm that there has been a plane crash and the pilot was a man of 65 to 70- years old. He was taken to a local hospital. His condition is stable, said Nuria Vaegas by the Los Angeles Police Department.

– The accident occurred 13:25. A mechanical error occurred with the plane. It caused the accident. Another rescue workers said that Ford

after the accident was conscious and left the plane on their own.

A spokesman for the fire department in Los Angeles has worked with investigations of air crashes in 25 years and say told Sky News that these types of accidents often ends in death. Therefore, he is happy to announce that Ford was in consciousness and breathing when he was taken to hospital.

Flying an interest

Harrison Ford’s son Ben tweeted at 02 o’clock he was with his father in hospital:

“Daddy’s ok. Bruised but ok “he writes.

Ford reported to have been alone in the yellow plane, a single-engine Ryan PT-22. 72-year-old had taken off from Santa Monica Airport, where many wealthy Los Angelesbor – including Tom Cruise – park their aircraft. Also, Ford was the home base.


airport is not far from the scene of the accident. CNN reported early this morning that Ford had asked for land and indicated that

something was wrong, but did not receive permission to bring down the plane.

– It could have ended much worse. This is a densely populated area and I am grateful that nobody on the ground was hurt, said a rescue worker told CNN.

Crashed before

Ford is an experienced pilot who loves to fly . He owns several planes and helicopters. The accident last night was far from his first. In 2000 he crashed with his sexsitsiga passenger plane in Nebraska.

During a flying lesson in a helicopter crash in 1999, he and his flight instructor right into a dry river bank. Both times fared Ford without damage.

The actor is closest to the current as Han Solo in the upcoming “Star Wars” film “The force awakens.”

Harrison Ford is a veteran of Hollywood with several major film roles behind him. He is best known from “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones”.


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