Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hasselblad Award for Art Star – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

– And what might that be calling me for? responds Wolfgang Tillmans jokingly-teasingly on the phone in his Berlin studio – where SvD incidentally visited him in 2012 in a big report.

– I am very happy that at 46 years of age to qualify as young in any context. They are not so many anymore, he continues immediately.

Tillmans, born 1968, is an unusually young Hasselblad Award Winner in a series of more senior photographers. But as career took off too much early, back in the early 90s attracted the attention of the German art student in London. With images from the club and rave scene in Berlin, from LGBTQ context and their own local environment was published Tillmans in trendsetting magazine The Face and iD. He has been called the “generation portrayer” and “gayikon.”

Tillmans found themselves in the midst of contemporary art scene and its then maybe most dynamic center of London, his second hometown. Energetically genre and experimentation with the photographic medium, he took art scene by storm. Exhibitions and awards followed in a row, in 2000 he received the Turner Prize.

– It was amazing, but it’s a price for practitioners of all genres. Hasselblad Award addressed to me as a photographer, it makes me obviously very happy.

With close-ups of clothing folds, damaged or abstract photography and exhibitions where tables, cabinets, walls included in the total installations Tillmans works seem overwhelming. A first glance of his exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in 2012 could bring that impression, a closer look revealed that behind it all was a disciplined aesthetic.

– Conventional minimalism is when you put a single impressive image on a large wall. When I put five photo paper next to each other

on the same wall, I look like I still deal with a variant of minimalism, a more anti-authoritarian, freer such, says Tillmans about his art.

The prize is awarded 30 November. The next day opened a new exhibition by Wolfgang Tillmans at the Hasselblad Center in Gothenburg Art Museum.


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