flowery at the portrait of Ziggy Stardust in Brixton continues all the time to grow. Photo: Tim Ireland / AP
It is thick with journalists and photographers in the alley opposite the metro station in Brixton. They stand in a semicircle around a colorful mural of a heavily made-up man with taggit hair and staring eyes.
It is at this portrait of Ziggy Stardust David Bowie’s admirers have chosen to show their grief. The mountain of flowers have grown since this morning. A steady stream of people penetrates past the TV cameras and press photographers.
Amanda Carter hurries away with upturned gaze. She has already laid down his bouquet. Carter is in her sixties, she has a bright red hat and a long coat. The tears flowing down her face.
– I do not know if I can manage to talk, she says.
– He was an amazing man. He raised things that not many others dare talk about, madness and alternative realities. He was a healer and he told us that he was going away.
Amanda Carter apologizes and takes away from the crowd. Nearby stands twenty-year-old Greg Scott and watching. He says that David Bowie changed his life in adolescence.
– It is important for me to come down to Brixton to be here with him. He has so often been there for me during important moments in my life.
The facade of the Brixton Academy is adorned with the words” Forever our hero “. Photo: Matt Dunham / AP
A few blocks from the mural, past the stadium Brixton Academy as signs with the words “David Bowie – forever our hero”, located Stanfield road. David Bowie was born at number 40 for almost exactly 69 years ago. A handful of people have gathered outside his childhood home. A candle flickers in front of the gate. A neighbor to play Space Oddity. It smells for some reason strongly of incense.
Tilla Stendel has used his lunch break to make a pilgrimage from London’s financial district Stanfield Road.
– I was shocked when I heard about his death this morning. I did not expect that it would affect me so deeply. He was a great artist, he has had a huge influence on art today.
The Polish artist Ania Lucid standing on the sidewalk across from David Bowie’s childhood home. She has traveled into London with her one year old son Yacob in honor of his idol. She lifts sometimes up his camera and shoot the other visitors.
– It had felt wrong not to be here. Then Yacob are older I can tell him that I brought him here to this day.
Stanfield road. David Bowie was born at number 40 for 69 years. Photo: Matt Dunham / AP
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