Last year, Ruben Östlund’s “Tourist” received the most nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor. This year competing “A man named Ove” against “Aftershocks” and “my little sister” in the category of Best Film. Critically acclaimed “Thief Honour” gets the most nominations, along with “A man named Ove” – six each.
Do not Kulturnytts reviews at the bottom of the article.
This year Guldbagge nominations are evenly distributed, and the clear winner is hard to predict. A favorite is, however Malin Levanon nominated in the category Best Actress, for her performance as Minna in the film Thief of honor. And she thinks it’s been a privilege to participate in the film that received much attention, for actors with real experiences of social deprivation is the cast.
– First, we have had critics who have been on fire, it really means a lot but for me personally it means as much to get recognition from people who have the proper protocols.
Also those who work with addicts on the care side has been beneficial to her and other actor’s effort she says. During the work she has worked closely with the director and writer Peter Grönlund for designing the role of Minna.
Ulrik Munther and Amy Deasismont was nominated in the categories of Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress in the critically acclaimed films “My little sister” and “Aftershocks. Even if they both so far mainly created to names in music, acting, given the taste for more.
– I definitely want to play more, I love the way you have to go into other people’s lives and try to learn how other people work, says Amy Deasismont and is backed by Ulrik Munther also mentions that you become empathetic to dive into other people’s heads and lives in a role.
Many social-realist dramas are among the Guldbagge candidates, an exception is “One man named Ove. “It’s not often a comedy, albeit with large swaths of seriousness, is nominated in the category Best Film.
All nominations will find you in the list below. Last year, Ruben Östlund’s “Tourist” received the most nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor.
Guldbaggegalan, broadcast on SVT, will be held January 18, Petra Mede as host for the fourth time.
Nominated for Best Film: A man named Ove, Aftershocks, My little sister
Nominated for Best Screenplay: True Lenken (My little sister), Ronnie Sandahl (Swedish Bastard) and Peter Grönlund (Thief Honours)
Nominated for Best Director: Magnus von Horn (aftershocks), Sanna Lenken (My little sister) and Peter Grönlund (Thief Honours)
Nominated Best Actress Performance: Shima Niavarani (She’s wild again tonight), Malin Levanon (Thief Heder), Felice Jankell (Young Sophie Bell)
Best Actor: Rolf Lassgård (A man named Ove), Ulrik Munther (aftershocks) and Philip Berg (Immortals)
Nominated for Best Supporting Actor: Issaka Sawadogo (The white people), Mats Blomgren (aftershocks) and Henrik Dorsin (flock)
Nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film : Leviathan, Carol and Timbuktu
Nominated for Best Documentary: Every Face Has a Name, Repository, I’m Ingrid
Nominated for the Best Short Film: Audition, King Fury and Northern Storfjället
Nominated for Best Cinematography: Linda Wassberg (The white people), Göran Hallberg (A man named Ove) and Gosta Reiland (flock)
Nominated for Best Set Design: Ulrika Fredriksson (There should be rules) Matilda Afzelius (A wonderful fucking Christmas) & amp; Kajsa Severin (Thief Honours)
Nominated for Best Sound: Andreas Franck (The white people and Jönssonligan – the perfect heist) and Patrik Strömdahl and Jan Alvermark (She’s wild again tonight )
Nominated for Best Visual Effects: IXOR (circle) and Torbjorn Olsson (A man named Ove) and Torbjörn Olsson, Fredrik Pihl, Robert Södergren and Joel Sundberg (Lasse Maja’s Detective Agency – Stella Nostra)
Nominated for Best Makeup: Jenny Fred (The circle and the white people) and Eva von Bahr and Love Larsson (A man named Ove)
Nominated for Best Clips: Hanna Lejonqvist (My little sister), Anders Teigen (My life my lesson) and Christopher Nordin (Thief Honours)
Nominated for the Best Costume: Camilla Thulin (A wonderful fucking Christmas) and Stella J. Hox (Kim) and Mia Andersson (Thief Honours)
Nominated for Best Original Music: Benny Andersson (The Circle ), Jon Ekstrand (The white people) and Lisa Holmqvist (flock)
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