Monday, November 16, 2015

Västtrafik major initiative – to stop the thief riders – Expressen

Västtrafik investing heavily now to stop the thief riding was on the trams. P4 reports that Västtrafik can change the way of working to increase the number bötfällningar.

– It is sad that there are people who choose not to pay and get the right to go to the expense of others, says Maria Björner Brauer, sales manager at the company.

After the high-profile case last summer when a bus driver wrestled down broke Västtrafik with the security company G4S and continued only with Securitas. It has also stopped taking the tram raids which caused great controversy for a number of years ago.

But now Västtrafik dissatisfied with that too few people without ticket are caught and punished. According P4, the number of fines gone down from around 24,000 per year to just 6,000 this year. Now considering Västtrafik, according to the radio station, to take entirely new approaches to succeed punish those who go without a ticket.

Maria Björner Brauer is still skeptical about the reintroduction of the raids, the so-called stop controls.

– We want everyone who goes to pay but we will continue on that path as it already is. Visibility and security for our customers is important, she says to P4.

Instead, it may be that increasing the number of inspectors.


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