Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bards sawing: A dump, Kishti – Aftonbladet

Jury veteran Kishti Tomita brought his favorite to the final week.

Now sawed her opinion brutally by the new jury.

– It was trashy and not modern, says Alexander Bard.

For The fractions has already begun.

The old jury handpicked favorites set against Laila Bagge Wahlgren , 41, Alexander Bard , 53, and Anders Bagge , 46, talents that were screened front during audition week.

The new blood the jury has led to heated discussions. When Kishti Tomita , 50, was moved to tears by his favorite Fannie Anderberg’s , 21, prominent snorted Alexander Bard.

– I do not Fannie thing and I do not Kishti. It did not viewers either. It is a nice girl who sings okay, I was not interested. It felt trashy and not modern, he says.

“Very odd flavor”

Yesterday’s premiere of the qualifying week, Bard questioning Kishtis knowledge juror.

– Kisthi seem to have very odd taste, I get nothing. I think spontaneously that this was the weakest of commemorative tickets. I look forward to the other more, says Alexander Bard.

He is backed by Laila Bagge Wahlgren.

– Kishti has developed his talent and then it’s easy to get sentimental . But you have to make a fair judgment, and not be blinded to their little baby, she says.

He wonders about her specialist knowledge has no place in today’s “Idol.”

– She very strong focus on his vocal coach thing, it is what she is good at. But sångcoacheri perhaps more marginal today and not so important as it once was, he says.

“Threw just jaw”

Kishti Tomita hope viewers give Fannie Anderberg new chance on Friday. And she warns of more heated discussion in “Idol.”

– We threw just plain jaw. That was fisljummet, wait until it gets hot mistress, she says.


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