Monday, September 15, 2014

The publishing stops Brost autobiography – Expressen

Norstedts stops Johannes Brost forthcoming autobiography.

This is because the actor does not want to emphasize the parts that publishers want to remove.

– The premise is that you get to tell it like it was, said Brost who now publishes the book on another publisher.

Norstedts has previously marketed Johannes Brost book “Do not be curious,” which he co-authored with former artist Martin Smith. The material for the book promises the actor to tell the true picture about his life for the first time and wrote that it “might be people who will be upset about that in my book is produced in an unfavorable way.”

A week ago, cut it, however, between Johannes Brost and publisher, who now will not give out the book – and all traces of the book is removed deleted from their website.

– They have had the book in a few months and lawyers have gone through everything, and then I thought it was clear. But then last week they got cold feet and wanted me to remove it and this and that from the book, says John, who was told by co-author John Prine.

– I was down in the country and he called and told it to me. Never in my life that I underline something I said! The very premise of that one should give out this book is that you get to tell who it was. I’ve gone through everything and made a final mix and now it will be like this. But they did not agree to it for some reason that I do not know about yet.

Can not tell

He does not want to go into what kind of parts that the publisher wanted to remove from the book.

– I can not tell you. It will seem quite obvious when the book comes out well.

Is it about other people you’ve written about?

Yes, it looks as there.

Are you worried about what people will think?

– No, not at all. I tell my version and account for it.

He has not yet got hold of the publishing house.

– I have called and called and called but no one answers and they push me away, it seems that, so I do not know.

So you have not received a response from Norstedts why they wanted to emphasize this part

– No, and I would love to have it.

Chest: “They did not hesitate”

In places, the book that is published by Lind & amp; Co., according to their website on 9 October.

– We turned to them and they accepted it with open arms. They did not hesitate to have with what Collins wanted to emphasize, says Johannes Brost.

Co-author Martin Smith declined to comment.

Expressen have searched responsible Norstedts without success.


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