Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Soap Participants in brawl – over Ainas legs – Aftonbladet

Yxtaholm . Gunilla Persson and Aina Lesse smoke together in front of the press.

Hollywood wife found Paradise Hotel-profile sitting in the road during a shoot.

– I’m afraid for her, says Aina Lesse .

In a group photo was placed Aina Lesse before the Gunilla Persson . It got Gunilla Persson angering. In the midst of the shoot roars her away, claiming that Aina is in the way of her legs.

– She said I had models’ and that I should not show my legs, says Aina Lesse.

Plate None were TV3′s press images before the broadcast of the new super-reality show with reality show profiles from “Robinson,” “Paradise Hotel” and “bar” among others.

When shortly afterwards met the press could not Aina Lesse keep themselves:

– You’re mean, come down to earth, she told Ms.

“Do not hit someone”

But Gunilla Persson could not keep itself, but continued to criticize Aina Lesses legs and said that she should not show them.

Afterwards says Aina Lesse she is afraid of Gunilla.

– She says that she is not violent , but you never know. Not that she was going to fly at me and strangle me but she’ll be even angrier.

Gunilla Persson beat down.

– I have not hit anyone. Is this hitting someone, she says, and pushes to Samir Badran on the shoulder.

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