David Lagercrantz has been busy working days after the release of “What does not kill us.” Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT
– If it continues at this rate, several shops sell out of their inventory as early as this weekend, says Maria Edsman, Sales and Operations Manager at Akademibokhandeln.
Get’ve probably escaped this week’s book release of the fourth installment of Stieg Larsson’s Millennium series, written by David Lagercrantz. Yesterday was released the book “What does not kill us” in trade, and the shopkeepers, the past days demonstrated the happy numbers.
– The sale has surpassed all expectations. There we had the sales targets we had achieved before lunch yesterday, said Maria Edsman.
She believes that it is a risk that consumers may be pinched on the opportunity to buy the book already this weekend.
– Right now there is a risk that it runs out before we can get the new. The publishing house also seems a bit taken by surprise, we find it difficult to get new books, says Maria Edsman and adds:
The publishing house also seems a bit taken by surprise, we find it difficult to bring new products.
– We have 120 stores across the country and it could end in some of them. If you live in a major city will certainly go to find stores that have the book there.
Many bookstores have held extra open at the release of the new Millennium book. Now it turns out that the book sells better than expected. Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT
Boksajten Adlibris had 50 percent more traffic yesterday, compared with the same day last year. Sales of Lagercrantz book exceeded expectations by 5-8 percent, according to Linnea Wiklund, press contact at Adlibris.
– As it should be added that we have strong sales. We have set the bar decently loud, she says.
In the current situation is the book at the top of the leaderboard. When the hype will fold can not Linnea Wiklund answer.
– The selling on great this morning, then we’ll see. It is difficult to say how it will be in three weeks, she says.
Even bookstore chain Pocket Shop surpassed its sales during the first day of sale.
– Under just a few hours in the morning, we had sold a few hundred books. There were too many wanted it as soon as possible, says Torbjörn Elbe, sales manager for Pocket Shop.
But not in Sweden , the largest sales volumes are. Very likely even more copies to be sold in the United States and elsewhere in Europe. Tove Leffler, editor and publisher of the trade magazine Swedish bookstore believes that including Germany will be a large market.
Anders Toll, sales manager at the publishing house Norstedts which publishes the book, do not want to go out with how many books who have pressed for the launch. Tove Leffler estimated that the first edition case of several hundred thousand copies in Sweden alone.
– The first edition of a standard book in Sweden is maybe 1500 copies. There are other books such as Kepler where the first edition is of perhaps 200 000 copies, but you can imagine that in this case is about more than Kepler.
– One expects a toksuccé, she says .
Stieg Larsson’s Millennium series has sold 80 million copies and generated revenues of approximately SEK 4 billion, writes Dagens Industri. The fourth book has an f-price of 150 million and will generate considerable revenue to the publisher. At the same time, more people have to share the cake this time, Tove Leffler.
– David Lagercrantz and Mogliden represented by an agent named Magdalena Hedlund, who sold to Norstedts Agency representing the book abroad. The money withdrawn abroad to go to the publisher and then get Norstedts some money, David Lagercrantz get money, Mogliden get money and also Magdalena Hedlund will have money so there is a lot to share. Exactly how percentages looks super secret, she says.
Anders Toll says that the publisher is not out of books in the current situation.
– It is not difficult to obtain new books but it There are many who order new ones. It is possible that it will end in some bookstores and there are some new supplies immediately.
– It is because they do not have enough books in their stores. When it runs out of the store, they must order and so it becomes a little lead time between, he said.
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