Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Marx’s appointment to the hero on the flight – Västerbottens-kuriren (the Courier)

The american balladmästaren Richard Marx has added "action hero" on his resume since he helped the crew of a Korean Air aircraft to overpower a violent passenger, writes Entertainment Weekly.

Richard Marx was on the way to Seoul with his wife when stöket occurred. In a series of Tweets describing the "Right here waiting"singer event as chaotic and dangerous, and says that it took four hours to fasten the stökige the passenger.

"the Crew was completely raw on the to deal with the situation", writes Marx.

He has also uploaded images from the situation. One of them is a sammanbiten Richard Marx stand with a rope in hand. In the next picture you can see a seated Marx to get a few pats on the shoulder for his efforts.

It is unclear why the violent passenger behaved as he did.


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