Friday, December 16, 2016

Shame”-tourists are a blight in Norway – Västerbottens-kuriren (the Courier)

The Norwegian tv-series "Shame" has become such a big success that the framgångens back is now starting to show up on his dark countenance.

the School where the series is played in has become such a popular tourist destination that management is forced to kick out the unauthorized "Shame"-fans that made it, reports the P3 News.

— On a couple of occasions so have groups taken into the building. They have not opened the klassrumsdörrarna but they have in no way been in the immediate vicinity and taken hold of the students of different grounds have been in the corridor, ” says Hanna Norum Eliassen, president at Hartvig Nissens school in Oslo where the series is played out and several of the actors are students, to P3 News.


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