this Year’s presenter of “Musikhjälpen”: Josefine Jinder, Kodjo Akolor and Pelle Almqvist. Press image. Photo: Mattias Ahlm, Sveriges Radio
Fun this Year’s edition of “Musikhjälpen” hit a record of money collected. When the broadcast was over was the total of over 49 million.
Records replace each other in this year’s edition of “Musikhjälpen”, which had the theme “Children in war have the right to go to school”.
The collected sum has increased every year since its inception in 2008, but when the broadcast ended for this year, it was clear that the total improved upon significantly compared to a year ago.
During a year in which most of the collections in Sweden have gone worse than last year, according to Radiohjälpens secretary-general, Per Byman, managed to “Musikhjälpen” collect a total of 49 003 745 sek. There are almost 18 million more than in the previous year. The reason for the large sum is spelled clarity, ” says Josefine Jinder:
- It is a format that captures a very wide audience. All that is with is current and relevant, and the theme has been right on target this year. I think that there has been a frustration, that people find it difficult to know how to help. When it comes to a programme with very clear theme so, people want to be with.
Sixth time lucky?
the Record was in the number of commitment: 312 000. The final ten will now take care of the money collected and make the first decisions on which projects will receive funding in January.
For the host Kodjo Akolor became this year’s “new york,” his sixth and last sojourn in glasburen. He thanks his programledarkollegor, all who worked behind the scenes and all who have been involved and donated money over the years:
- I thank you most humble for me. Most likely, it will feel awful to stand outside next year, but I think I can come in and stand behind the scenes. It felt important to get thank me and let someone else take the.
Facts: “new york” 2016
money Collected: 49 003 745 sek
Commitment: 312 000
Artists and guests: 500 pieces
Auctions: 2 500 pieces
Highest bid: 3 400 sek 100 for Filip and Fredrik who auctioned the to the company.
Låtönskningar: 60 000
The five most requested songs:
- 1. Kent: “Without your breath”.
- 2. Magnus Carlson: “Eternal love”
- 3. The Hives & Cyndi Lauper: A christmas duel”
- 4. Laleh: “Goliath”
- 5. Laleh: “Just get the va myself.”
The five most desired artists:
- 1. Kent
- 2. Håkan Hellström
- 3. The Hives
- 4. Laleh
- 5. Little Jinder
- Source: Sveriges Radio
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