Friday, July 17, 2015

Leila Lindholm told of how she was subjected to sexism – Today’s News





The TV chef and cookbook author Leila Lindholm testified in their summer program that she was subjected to sexism in the restaurant business.






TV chef and cookbook author Leila Lindholm testified in their summer program that she was subjected to sexism in the restaurant business.

In its summer program gave Leila Lindholm several examples of how she met sexism in his job as a cook.

– I really was the harsh jargon and sexism in the restaurant comes from, said Leina Lindholm in the program.


She told the audience that she was early in his career under an employment issue been asked if she usually sleep with their male colleagues. This took place at a reputable top restaurant in Stockholm.

– Behind a curtain had been some from the service staff, and hid themselves to listen in on his interview, since it apparently was so entertaining with an insulting chef. This I learned some years later, as it later became a story wandering around among the restaurant staff as hearsay, said Leila Lindholm.

She told me then that she is not entirely satisfied with the answer she gave the chef .

– My rap’s answer was about as stupid as the question: yes, but only to staff parties.






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