Thursday, July 23, 2015

Profit Party for Håkan Hellström – Västerbotten Folkblad

Håkan Hellström feel no grief on the way to the bank. His company Faith & amp; Doubt did namely a profit of SEK 30.7 million before tax in last year’s fiscal year of 18 months, writes Expressen. Sales amounted to SEK 34 million.

The profit compares with the company’s overall profit in ten years – SEK 44 million. Håkan Hellström, who previously has said he does not care about economics, indulge now himself a hefty dividend of SEK 4 million. The company has an equity of 38 million. His other company Bohus Dreaminâ ???? AB delivered a profit of SEK 1.7 million.

On June 7 last year struck the people dear artist Ullevi attendance record when 69,349 people saw Hakan Hellstrom gig in Gothenburg.


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