Saturday, July 18, 2015

Summer in P1 18/6: Sanna Lundell – Göteborgs-Posten

The journalist Sanna Lundell are tired defined by the men in her life.

Sanna Lundell running on two distinct topics, feminism and co-dependent in their Summer. Understandably, she is tired of having to be defined by the famous men in her life and is paying part of the program to pay tribute to women who influenced her.

Otherwise, pretty much gender thoughts surprisingly idle. There will be the usual points, a few cliches, some statistics, and despite the fact that the substance is so incredibly important, it is Sanna Lundell not engaging as much as she’s angry.

There is an anger listener understand but when she says People who are not feminists lack the vital parts of the brain, she seems to be more interested in digging trenches between her and them rather than bridges to make them realize why sexism is a big problem.

It is only when the topic of rape emerge as Sanna Lundell really flames to. Anger creates this effect rather than remotely. But the better it will be when she comes in to talk about codependency. Not least when Sanna Lundell tells about when she met a man who was a combination of both of her parents’ addictions. It was like “coming home”.

And even her two topics course is too big and important to be covered sufficiently in the 87 minutes the radio so it becomes really exciting when Sanna Lundell unexpectedly connects them with each other . That all women are trapped in a collective codependency because of our culture and our social system.

Last sentence: “Thank you for listening.”

Music Strong women on parade. Among other things, Patti Smith, Nina Simone and Joni Mitchell.

Tomorrow’s worth: Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, LO chairman.


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