Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Information: Death Picture of Bobbi Kristina sold – Expressen

Despite the extra security and family concerns, a fatal picture of Bobbi Kristina Brown taken before burial, writes TMZ.

According to sources, the site now has the picture been sold to the highest bidder.

Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, buried on Saturday.

The family hired extra security guards because of their concern for someone to take a picture of 22-year-old as she lies in her coffin .

The same thing happened namely when Whitney Houston was buried in 2012.

Despite all safety precautions to now this may have happened even in Bobbi Kristina’s memorial ceremony, reports TMZ.

According to sources to the site, the image should have been the day before the funeral, when the relatives went to see the body.

The picture must have been sold over 100 thousand dollars, equivalent to around SEK 800 000.

READ MORE: The fight over Bobbi Kristina’s funeral

The Family Brown and the Houston family now accusing each other for taking the picture, which was taken in spite of all safety measures.

The infected quarrel between Brown-side and Houston-side of the family broke out completely during the funeral.

Once married into her aunt Pat Houston gave speeches stormed aunt Leolah Brown out of the church.

– I told Pat Whitney will haunt her from the tomb, Brown said afterwards to reporters outside the church.

READ MORE: Bobbi Kristina Brown’s tragic familjeöde

And according to her, it was infected altercation far from over.

– It has just begun, she said.

Bobbi Kristina Brown was found lifeless in his bathtub on January 31 this year. She then lay in a coma until his death, on 26 July.

– She has finally found peace in God’s arms. We would again like to thank everyone for their tremendous love and support over the last months, said that the family said in a statement.

Bobbi Kristina Brown was 22 years old.

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