Tuesday, December 6, 2016

“Last tango in Paris”-the scandal – what is it about? – Sydsvenskan

The erotic drama "Last tango in Paris" caused a scandal for more than forty years ago. Now upsets the film again – and Marlon Brando has been accused of rape. But why pop the news up now, and what is it about? We are sorting out.

Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider in “Last tango in Paris” in 1972.

1972. Bernardo Bertoluccis "Last tango in Paris" has premiered in the fall and becomes a skandalsuccé because of sexscenerna, which, according to a persistent rumor is real. It is a film that is set in the time – the same summer porn video "deepthroat" has become a huge success – and it is, moreover, the 48-year-old Marlon Brando’s first role after his comeback with "the Godfather".

"Last tango in Paris" is about an american widower, Paul, who begins a love affair with a younger woman, Jeanne. The relationship ends in tragedy when Paul rapes Jeanne, after which she shoots and kills him. Våldtäktsscenen arouses particular attention, when Paul molesting Jeanne anal, and uses butter as a lubricant. In the movie scene you see joan’s bare buttocks in profile, and Paul’s hand with smörklicken that seem to disappear in between her legs. In general, the actors clothed.

the Role of Jeanne, played by the 19-year-old frenchwoman Maria Schneider. The enormous media interest will later lead to the Schneider gets a drug problem and is trying to take his life, even if she continues her career as a movie actor – with the Antonionis "Profession: reporter" (1975) as the highlight.

2004. Marlon Brando dies at 80 years old.

2006. In an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald ” says Schneider to våldtäktsscenen were not in the script, but was introduced to her just before the camera would roll, "It was Marlons idea. When they told me I got a raging outbreak. Woo! I threw things around me. No one can force someone to do something that is not in the script. But I did not understand it. I was too young … So I made the scene and I cried. I cried real tears during the scene. I felt humiliated".
2007. In an interview with the Daily Mail denies the Schneider rumor that there is real sex in the movie, and talking again about våldtäktsscenen: "Marlon said to me: ‘Maria, don’t worry, it’s just a movie’, but during the scene, even if what Marlon was doing wasn’t real, I cried real tears … I felt a little raped both by Marlon and by Bertolucci. After the scene,
said Marlon neither forgive or comforted me. Thank god it was only one shot".

In the same article tells Schneider that she remained good friends with Brando after the shooting, but she, however, has nothing good to say about Bertolucci: "He was fat and sweaty and very manipulative, both Marlon and me."

2011. Schneider dies of cancer at age 58.

2013. Bertolucci talking about våldtäktsscenen on two occasions, in the Dutch tv-program "College tour", and on a display at the Cinemateque in Paris. He says that the scene was in the script, but not the part with the butter – whose use was supposed to get Schneider out of the grip of that reaction would be "more realistic". He says he feels guilty, but that he does not regret anything.

November 2016 A clip from "College tour" uploaded on Youtube by a Spanish kvinnorättsorganisation. The clip becomes viral when it is noticed by the columnist Tom Butler on Yahoo! Movies.
Newspapers all over the world take up the story, and some of them – Elle – omitting that the sex act was simulated. A number of Hollywoodkändisar reacts with disgust on Twitter, including Jessica Chastain who writes: "To all who love this movie – you see a 19-year-old being raped by a 48-year-old man."

Time Magazine tweet: "Last tango in Paris"-the director admits that the controversial smörvåldtäktsscen really was rape."

december 5, 2016: Bertolucci responds in a statement that everything is a "ridiculous misunderstanding", and that both the violence and the analsexet was described in the script: "Mary knew everything because she had read the script. The only news was the idea with the butter".
in a column In The Guardian the same day, writes Suzanne Moore: "Consent is the key word in this story. Schneider was not raped, as some have alleged. But she was afraid, and without the power to stop what happened on the recording. Her statement shows her confusion. She felt a 'little raped'. No one comforted or apologized. And she could not live with the consequences."


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