Thursday, December 1, 2016

“The American Honey is great russia” – Radio Sweden

the Star, she is called. The young woman, who we in the film’s first scene face down in a dumpster, where she is looking slung food for themselves and their younger siblings.

the Star with his dreadlocks and his tired eyes, forced to see too much, and the young body and brain that rarely got to be young and not have had to take responsibility for the siblings as the abusive föräldragenerationen don’t care. So in a perfectly ordinary shopping mall may Star view on a bunch of young people, seemingly totally free, very obviously high, both on the own group’s jargon, and love, and on any added, easier drugs. And when a group’s leader Jake jump up on the checkout counter and dance to the högtalaranläggningen who plays Rihanna’s We found love, and he dances with his eyes fixed on the Star and… well, then lights up a completely different glow in her eyes

“We found love in a hopeless place”, and to find love or at least a feeling of being alive in a hopeless place is very much what this movie is about. The Star go on a very unlikely american dalliance with the sect-like group of young people who, it turns out, selling magazine subscriptions with the help of the outreach.

The only thing that the leader, the cool, sweet Kristal require is that you do not have anyone at home who will miss one.

Krystals employees is a fairly unlikely collection of vulnerable young people: lättdrogande, krökande, some balancing on the psyksiska the very narrowest edge. Perhaps the most depressed or just, just as a Star, with eyes that reveals that they have already seen and lived a little too much.

the American Honey live on its authenticity, Andrea Arnold is a master at mixing professionals with amateurs. Jake is played by a superb Shia Labeouf who, with his half-closed eyes manages to swing between apathy and frenzy with a wink, but the movie lifeblood is still Sasha Lane, who plays the Star.

Arnold found her on a beach where she larvade around with a few contemporaries. At first thought the Lane that Andrea Arnold was a porrfilmsregissör who was looking after her, but slowly, they gained confidence in each other. It big in the Lanes, games are the total concentrated presence she has, both in quiet scenes where there is minspelet that will be enough, and the explosive where Sasha Lane is forced to take in from the toes.

Arnold is a bildmedveten director American Honey is filmed in the old more square film format, much hand-held camera intimate images switches to the american landscape storlsagenhet and here are those also: the insects. Arnold has been with them almost as a gimmick from film to film: the fluttering moths against a curtain, buzzing wasps against a box, locked but possible to free if you just open a gap out to the world. And the interstices shows Arnold always up in their movies.

the American Honey is great cinematography, it is almost three hours long, has a storyline that can fit on a post-it note but fill me anyway, with their beautiful energy, their hope and, paradoxically, all this in spite of the bottomless sorrow, it also conveys, through these young vulnerable lives in a world where no one seems to have them. Except they themselves.


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