Thursday, July 9, 2015

Bill Cosby homegrown image taken down from the pedestal – Today’s News




     After the allegations have Cosby had set up a number of his stand up shows.

         After the charges have Cosby got to set a number of its stand up shower.






He will always be best known for his role as the mysige father Cliff Huxtable in the comedy classic that got millions to bang in front of the TV in the 80s. Now fighting Bill Cosby to save his reputation after the series of sexanklagelser.






He will always be best known for his role as the mysige father Cliff Huxtable in the comedy classic that got millions to bang in front of the TV in the 80s. Now fighting Bill Cosby to save his reputation after the series of sexanklagelser.

A total of nearly 40 women accused the soon 78-year-old Bill Cosby for sexual abuse, mainly in the 1970′s and 80′s. The wave of accusations started late last year, and several of the women claim that the comedian must have drugged them and then raped them.

The Cosby has not been charged and denies any crimes, but the Associated Press was recently presented documents which showed that he was in 2005 admitted that he obtained the drug Methaqualone in order to give it to the young women that he wanted to have sex with.


The judge who decided that the documents would be released to the news agency justified its decision on the difference between Cosby documents and public opinions were too large.

“The Great the difference between the public Bill Cosby moralism and the Bill Cosby is the subject of serious allegations of wrongful acts (and perhaps criminal ones) are of the kind that the AP – and thus by extension, the public – has a large public interest, “he writes in his decision .

The comedian has received set several appearances during the spring. The other day was also a bronze bust of Bill Cosby down from Disney’s Hollywood Studios theme park in Orlando, Florida. According to a statement from the park stands Disney “family-friendly entertainment” and that it is “inappropriate” to have the comic represented in the park.

For many years, Cosby is also a sought-after lecturer at American universities. There, he made himself known as a clear moral voice and warned the students for drugs, alcohol and teenage pregnancies. The lack of family values ​​was additionally a contributor to crime in society, according to Cosby.

According to Jamilah Lemieux, editor of the lifestyle magazine Ebony targeted at black Americans, has Cosby moralism led many blacks to take away from him already long before the sex charges.

– It is one thing to preach the black nuclear family on television, and another thing to talk negatively about the poor black families who already have it hard, she says.

Among the few that still supports Cosby’s actress Whoopi Goldberg. In an appearance in the TV show The View earlier this week pointed her that everyone is innocent until proven otherwise.

– I do not like rapid condemnations because I myself have been a victim of such, so I am very , very careful, she said.






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