Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Cosby has admitted that he drugged women – Swedish YLE

The American comedian Bill Cosby admitted in 2005 in court that he had given sedative drugs to women he wanted to have sex with. It shows the court records now come out in public.

The news agency AP has legally been produced court records of a lawsuit in 2005 when Cosby sued for sexual assault of a woman employee of the Temple University in Philadelphia. When he testified, under oath, that he had given the narcotic agent Quaaludes to the woman, and also to other women.

The deliberations were Cosby issue:

– When you got Quaaludes, did you intend to use these Quaaludes the young women you wanted to have sex with?

– Yes, replied Bill Cosby.

The court case ended with a settlement. It is not known what amount Cosby paid the woman from Temple University to escape punishment.

Quaaludes is known in Finland as Methaqualone. Methaqualone was a popular party and sex drug during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

Several cases barred

Over 35 women have accused Bill Cosby for sexual abuse in the last year . In most cases, he allegedly drugged the women with sedatives. Most allegations about abuse that should have been done decades ago and are therefore barred.

The Cosby has not been charged cases, but his reputation has plummeted. Several television channels have set agreed Shows and comedian.

The Cosby himself has been economical with comments. When he was interviewed on television channel ABC in May, he said that he simply does not intend to talk about the allegations and that he did not want to argue about them.

In Finland, Bill Cosby best known for his starring role in the television series “Bill Cosby Show” as the delightful father of the family Huxtable.


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