Saturday, July 4, 2015

Detective top after the murder of Anna Lindh – Aftonbladet

It took 18 years for Liza Marklund to complete the book series about Annika Bengtzon. In his sommarprat she explains why.

– When Anna died, then I wrote no crime novel in years, says the author of “Summer in P1″.

Liza Marklund created the famous, fictional journalist Annika Bengtzon. Ten crime novels and almost as many movies about her.

Detective Queen needed 18 years to finish the book series, and in his sommarprat for Swedish Radio P1 she talks about the tragedies that made it took so long.

Did Anna Lindh

Among other things, it is about former Foreign Minister Anna Lindh .

They used to have dinner with mutual friends and kept in touch via SMS. Lindh was good to hear from, although she was in Brussels or even New York.

Liza Marklund have noticed that crime novels are very unpopular in dictatorships and other insecure countries.

And of course she did not write about violence and murder when the friend who is also the politician had been assassinated September 11, 2003, 46 years old.

“I shouted”

– It was Mona [ Sahlin , reds. note.] who called … She said Anna had died some hours earlier. It was someone who started screaming, and screamed and screamed and screamed. And it took a while before I realized it was me, says Marklund in his sommarprat.

– Cracked paradise is much more interesting than broken backyards. But when Anna died, then I wrote no crime novel in years.


Liza Marklund began documenting persecuted, abused and murdered women. After three years could finally book series continue.

Something else that had to Liza Marklund losing write urge cancer was news to her eldest daughter Annika .

– There was a hole in time, a void … if she would die, so it was my job to help her do it, says Liza Marklund P1, in a trembling


“Is it now it begins ? “

The daughter survived, fortunately. But still hit something on the Liza Marklund, who has backed away from the public spotlight. She gives almost no interviews and skip chronicles and debates.

– I have said what I have to say. The series is completed. It took 18 years, but now I’m ready. This is what it became. Or maybe it’s just now coming?

The “Summer in P1″ with Liza Marklund aired today and are listening to the SR play.

> Read more: “Liza Marklund has a black belt in sommarprat”


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