Thursday, December 1, 2016

The final in Globen 9 december still strejkhotad – Aftonbladet

the labour court gives unions the green light to strike.

But late in the tordagskvällen announced the musicians union that tomorrow’s Friday finale will not suffer any strike.

However, next week’s "Idol"-final still threatened.

It was in the last week that the musicians union forced to move forward with the notice on the “Idol” – after the production company called their action illegal.

– It is a tactical maneuver to buy time, ” said Jan Granvik, president of the musicians union, then.

Fremantlemedias action got the tray, in turn, to sue them in labour court.

During Thursday came the labour court with its judgment, which gives unions the green light to take stridsåtgärderna.

– It is not an unexpected reply. Formally, this means the judgment that it is free for us to take industrial action, but we are in intense negotiations and try to resolve the conflict, ” said Jan Granvik, president of the musicians union.

the Final threat

Late on Thursday night sent the covenant out a new press release. With notice the to the at the mediator’s request, firing on the stridsåtgärderna. This applies so long as the constructive negotiations are in progress, but as at the to at 19:00 on Friday 9 december.

This means that the "Idol"finale is still threatened by the strike, but that tomorrow’s Friday finale does not suffer.

the notice of industrial action, including strikes, would have broken out last Friday. During the two weeks the musicians union and Fremantlemedia have been in intense negotiations with a mediator to try to agree.

One of the Musikerförbundets requirements has been to Fremantlemedia signs a collective agreement to improve the idols working conditions. Several heavy unions have since rallied behind the musicians union.

the Accused to kidnap the idols

Fremantlemedia has, among other things, accused the musicians union in order to “kidnap” the participants by forcing them to go out on strike.

After the verdict during the Thursday sent the production company issued a press release.

– We respect of course The employment tribunal’s decision that the notice was correct. But at the same time, we want to point out that this does not mean that the musicians union has the right to a collective agreement to be concluded for the voluntary and temporary participants in the entertainment program. This is something that would affect the entire produktionsbolagsbranschen, and we have therefore chosen to now raise the issue to media companies, to continue the negotiations there, ” says Magnus Karlsson Lamm, managing director of Fremantle Media in Sweden.

During the autumn, the musicians union criticized the low compensation the idols get to be with in the programme and that the participants must write on the contract with the record company Universal and the management company Versity music that Fremantlemedia had chosen for them. The contracts to the participant through a variety of one-sided options from the companies ‘ side can be tied up for up to ten years, with terms they can’t negotiate.

Negotiations that have been going on for weeks

In the conflict are also parties disagree on whether the idols are employees of Fremantle or not.

” We are, of course, for the right to strike and collective bargaining, and we have now spent two weeks trying to find an agreement with the musicians union. We have been open to meet most of the requirements, but we can’t go on to denote the temporary and voluntary participants in a competition as employees, ” continues Magnus Karlsson Lamm in the press release.

According to the press release has the production company launched a review of the terms of these medverkandeavtal to make adjustments to them for future Idolsäsonger.

” we are discussing further with the musicians union. But for us it is clear. Idol is a music competition, not an employer for the participants. Would you define an Idol in any way other than as a contest, it is rather a question of a training, where the participants get the help of vocal coaches, choreographers, songwriters, pr people and stylists, and also stay and eat for free. The value for a participant who had been with us until the end of the contest ends up between a half and a million dollars, not counting the value of the record that several of the participants usually get. And all of this will be an aid to the participants should be able to fulfill their dreams, ” concludes Magnus Karlsson Lamm.

On Thursday evening announced Statistföreningen that they will sympatistrejka for the idols.

"Will the idols to strike for better conditions, so we will extras also to take strike action to support the idols. The idols have really poor remuneration and conditions, almost as bad as our," writes Tommie Hansson on Statistföreningen in a press release.

SEE ALSO TV4: We have backup plan

idol All participants in the "Idol" is sick


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