Thursday, December 1, 2016

News: Free-for-strike in the Idol – Expressen

the Conflict surrounding their idol’s contract, which been strongly criticised by unions, will continue.

it is clear Now that it is free for the strike in the “Idol 2016″. Thus can the finale of the program, which airs about a week, threatened.

This was announced by the labour court today.

– We respect of course The employment tribunal’s decision that the notice was correct, ” says Fremantlemedias ceo Magnus Karlsson Lamm in a press release.

the Conflict between the Swedish musicians union and Fremantlemedia, which produces “Idol 2016″ for TV4, has been going on for two weeks. In the last week chose the tray that sue Fremantlemedia in the labour court, this then Fremantlemedia consider stridsåtgärderna – that is to say, a strike – against the “Idol 2016″ as illegal.

Now the labour court said their and it is completely free for the unions to call a strike. It is clear from a press release from Fremantlemedia.

READ MORE: “Idol” can be stopped by the strike after lönebråk

the Court, however, takes no position on the key issue – whether Fremantlemedia to sign a collective agreement with the participants of the “Idol 2016″.

Sends the question up

at the same time, choose Fremantlemedia to elevate the issue to the employer organisation media companies.

– We respect of course The employment tribunal’s decision that the notice was correct. But at the same time, we want to point out that this does not mean that the musicians union has the right to a collective agreement to be concluded for the voluntary and temporary participants in the entertainment program, “says Fremantlemedias ceo Magnus Karlsson Lamm in the press release and continues:

” It’s something that would affect the entire produktionsbolagsbranschen, and we have therefore chosen to now raise the issue to media companies, to continue the negotiations there, ” says Magnus Karlsson Lamm, managing director of Fremantle Media in Sweden.

According to Jan Granvik, chair of the Swedish musicians union, there is now intense negotiations to resolve the conflict.

” We must analyse the situation and will make further announcement when it is done. But one thing is for sure, global companies such as Fremantle have to accept the rules of the game in the Swedish labour market when they establish themselves here, ” he says in a press release.

Fremantlemedia look over their idol’s contract

He said that Fremantlemedia has worked hard to find a solution to the conflict.

” We are, of course, for the right to strike and collective bargaining, and we have now spent two weeks trying to find an agreement with the musicians union. We have been open to meet most of the requirements, but we can’t go on to denote the temporary and voluntary participants in a competition as employees, ” says Magnus Karlsson Lamm in the press release.

READ MORE: Strikers participants are forced to leave “Idol ” 2016″

Fremantlemedia has now embarked on a review of the contracts that the idols are forced to write in order to be in the TV4 programme with a view to adjusting agreements for the coming seasons.

” we are discussing further with the musicians union. But for us it is clear. “Idol” is a competition, not an employer of the participants.

the Express newspaper is looking for Jan Granvik.


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