During Saturday was clear that the filmmaker Roy Andersson, Swedish first ever, won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. The price for the film, which bears the name of a pigeon sat on a branch and pondered existence, can give good boost to the Swedish film, according to the foreign manager at the Swedish Film Institute.
– There is a huge interest in the Swedish film overall, it spreads and spreads to other films, says Pia Lundberg, Swedish filminstutets foreign manager.
Right now Lindberg in place at the film festival in Toronto where Roy Andersson’s film will also be shown. Thanks to the profit of Venice, and the attention that the award resulted, will Roy Andersson’s film to spread over the world, in many more countries than otherwise.
After last year’s Oscar for Mallik Bendjellouls Searching for Sugarman, and the price Cannes for Ruben Östlund Tourist Swedish film has a very different reputation than before.
Film Institute Pia Lundberg believe that success breeds success. She sees a new, kaxigare attitude of the Swedish filmmakers.
– It’s absolutely so that it has become a major cockiness, more courage in Swedish film and a greater self confidence. It has begun to pay off, she says.
For small business owners, Roy Andersson , the film’s success also means that the next production will be easier to finance. Especially from foreign investors with, says the film’s producer, Pernilla Sandström.
– This means we can continue making films and getting funding for it in little better circumstances than before. We’ve had to fight pretty hard to get to all funding, said Sandstrom to Kulturnytt.
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