Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Director: Joss Whedon | The Avengers: Age of Ultron – Göteborgs-Posten


Director: Joss Whedon

The Avengers: Age of Ultron

With: Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr. Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth and Stellan Skarsgard, United States, 2015 (141 min).

Over 300 Avengersfans went to the cinema Bergakungen Tuesday at 23.59 to see the Age of Ultron first of all. Nothing wrong with prior interest in other words.

The film begins fast-paced and really good when we as effective as nicely introduced to the action heroes of Black Widow, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor and Captain America. Since there remain two and a quarter hours which largely consists of chatter as Tony Stark / Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) awakens in an old computer, supposed to be peacekeepers. Everything goes wrong. Emerges robot Ultron – an evil cousin of the supercomputer HAL in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 – A Space Odyssey – who wants to wipe the Avengers and the whole of humanity.

I gave the first Avengersfilmen (from 2012), one four in the ratings. Comparatively, the runner-up an action movie on småtrött Marvel Routine, a film where it seems that several important pieces missing from the tedious journey toward a mainly computer-animated final battle, which feels like eternity long.

Hollywood’s best paid star Downey Jr. stands most of hands in his pockets and do nothing. Scarlett Johansson keeps the action-metric, but the semi-romantic scenes between the Black Widow and Bruce Banner / The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo plays the role) is stone dead. Stellan Skarsgard is involved in approximately 47 seconds altogether, but he was certainly well paid.

Otherwise, director and writer Josh Whedon’s line that all members of the Avengers fair to have as much space in front of the camera. Instead of wasting time on aptristen Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and the nerd Thor (Chris Hemsworth) should he highlighted the show’s two aces Johansson and Downey Jr.

But now it’s over? No, not really. The last scene opens up several sequels where Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) grab the attention.

Mats Johnson


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