Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Bob Dylan will not come to Sweden – Aftonbladet

Bob Dylan will not come to Stockholm to receive the prize. He would excuse himself in a letter to the Swedish Academy.

“he wishes that He could receive the award in person, but other commitments make it, unfortunately, impossible,” writes the Swedish Academy in a press release.

“the Swedish Academy respects the Bob Dylan decision. That a nobel prize winner can not travel to Stockholm to receive the prize is unusual, but not exceptional. In recent time, several laureates declined the prize ceremony for various reasons, as Doris Lessing, Harold Pinter and Elfriede Jelinek. The award is still their, as well as it now belongs to Bob Dylan,” wrote the Swedish Academy in a press release.

Akadmien also write that you look forward to Bob Dylan’s nobel lecture, which he must keep – “there is only the requirement” within six months from the december 10, 2016.

"Typed personal letter"

Nöjesbladet have searched Sara Danius, permanent secretary of the Swedish academy, but without success. For Today’s News confirms she news and says that it was she herself who received the bid.

– He wrote a letter personally addressed to me, says the Swedish Academy’s permanent secretary Sara Danius to the newspaper.

She confirms that the lecture will be – even if she doesn’t currently know how.

” No, we have no information about yet, we’ll be back as soon as we have it. There are many ways to do it, for example, you can send a video that is made for the purpose.

Linderborg support

Aftonbladet’s cultural section Åsa Linderborg is not surprised by the news.

” I believe I am right when I say that he probably does not like this type of arrangement, but I like how it has become. I am happy that he got the prize, which broke the conventions, and I am glad he does not will, which also violates the rules and it’s okay, ” she says.

She looks forward to the star’s nobel lecture.

“Actually, it is much more interesting because he then talks about his own literature and what he wants, even if it is strange that a price is associated with a counterpart, it has already performed, in order to get the prize,” says Åsa Linderborg.

"Nothing dramatic"

The former permanent sekretaren, Horace Engdahl, mean that it is not unusual that the winner does not show up.

” It occurs from time to time to the laureate in literature for various reasons can not appear in Stockholm and participate in the awards ceremony. So it has been throughout the history of The. It is not anything dramatically, ” says Horace Engdahl to Nöjesbladet.


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