NEW YORK. With Mike Pence in the audience took the actors to give him a greeting.
After Friday’s performance of the musical "Hamilton" on Broadway was the future vice-president to hear from the stage that the ensemble is "worried" for the future.
"Harassment", referred to as Donald Trump påhoppet on Twitter.
when Mike Pence stepped into the theater on Broadway in New York heard both boos and cheers from the crowd.
the Whole notion of the political drama, "Hamilton" revolves around the current political climate.
Read message
the Plot is based very much on the immigrants ‘ role in the american revolution and at least once during the performance where the Mike Pence was present and stood the audience up to pay homage to the message.
But it was after the show that the actor Brandon Victor Dixon asked to read out a message to the future vice-president from the scene.
” We, sir, is the diversity in America and we are frightened and worried that our new government will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or maintaining our self-evident rights. We sincerely hope that this show has inspired you to protect our american values and work for all of us, ” he said.

Stopped and was photographed
Pence shall, according to the New York Times have stayed in the time on the way out to listen to the special greeting. He has also been photographed smiling on the way out.
But Donald Trump did not think it was as much fun.
"Our amazing future V. P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater of the ensemble to Hamilton while the cameras rolled. It should not be allowed to happen!" wrote Trump in a first tweet.
Shortly later came also:
"the Theater must be a safe and special place. The ensemble in Hamilton was very nasty last night against a good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!"
Brandon Victor Dixon answered myself with a "conversation is not harassment" and that he "appreciated the fact that Mike Pence stopped to listen."
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