Thursday, November 24, 2016

Lasse registered in Swedish tv uncertain about the future of SVT, Expressen

Lasse registered in Swedish tv has many successful seasons of “Doobidoo”.

Despite the fact that he is unsure if he wants to stay on tv or change the channel.

– A tough period, which will every five years in my life. A period where it is difficult to say yes or no, ” says Lasse registered in Swedish tv to Aftonbladet.

the SVT-profile Lasse registered in Swedish tv may want to leave the channel.

He has previously criticised the SVT’s lack of marketing of the popular helgprogrammet.

Now know registered in Swedish tv not if he wants to stay with the SVT or switch to any other channel, then there are several that are interested in him.

” Yes.” It is not difficult to guess what it is, ” he says to Aftonbladet.

“Doobidoo”-the host of the show has not decided what his future should look like

” I’m just in the choice and qualification. I think right now on how I’ll do. I have not decided how I’ll do than. You call in a tough period that comes every five years in my life. A period where it is difficult to say yes or no, ” says Lasse Kroner to Aftonbladet.

READ MORE: Here läxar registered in Swedish tv up a woman in the audience

READ MORE: registered in Swedish tv about the event: “It is at your own risk”

But it is not the economic who plays the role of Lasse registered in Swedish tv.

” I Had taken a decision based on the economy I had stopped on national television ten years ago. It has not been interesting. I’ve got more interesting deals, which have been more lucrative than the agreement I have with the SVT, ” he says.

the Host of the show says that he is very proud of how good “Doobidoo” has gone – but fits on to criticize the SVT yet again for the lack of marketing.

this little program that is quite omärkvärdigt that works so good, I’m proud of that. In particular, given that the SVT has not lifted a finger to do anything about it. We have not got a trailer.

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