Photo: Henrik Montgomery, TT
Fun Kakan Hermansson set up their participation at the exhibition “100% fight – Swedish history” in the archaeological investigations (uv in Kristianstad, sweden. – I think it is very sad that the threat and hatred can take over, ” says Lasse Hörnäs, the informer on the archaeological investigations (uv in Kristianstad to the GP
It is the recent criticism and threats that lies behind the decision.
” She thought it was too much hot and hat. It was created among other things a group on Facebook where they called for to stop the cookie’s visit in Kristianstad. She thinks that it took too much focus from the show because people also threatened to insult the exhibition, ” says Lasse Hörnäs, the informer on the archaeological investigations (uv in Kristianstad, sweden.
READ MORE: police guard the face of the cookie’s exhibition
“The recent writings that culminated in the threat to both the Cake and the opening makes that Cake chooses to not attend the opening ceremony.”, write for archaeological investigations (uv in a Facebook-mail.
Criticism and threats
the Background is, among other things, a cooperation with the car brand Audi, where the Cake would be one of several well-known medieprofiler that promoted the new model Q2. When the relationship became known, got Audi to receive a storm of criticism on social media. The criticism was, inter alia, to Kakan Hermansson written a post on Twitter in 2014 that touched on the catastrophic landslide in Malexander. She wrote among other things:
“It was a fucking nagging about Malexander. It is good when the cops feel sorry for himself.” Kakan Hermansson after the criticism apologised for their statements.
Something that she later apologized for. In a blog post earlier in the week, she wrote inter alia: “The words that I wrote for a number of years ago, I may never have the unwritten”.
READ MORE: Ask all the police on the excuse: “Sorry”
Hatstorm on social media
Before the inauguration of the exhibition “100% fight – Swedish history” in the archaeological investigations (uv in Kristianstad was a hatstorm on social media in the beginning of the week. On the museum’s Facebook page, one could read in direct attacks against medieprofilen and the exhibition were threatened even to “ravished”.
the Exhibition in itself has really nothing with the Cake to make even though she would be with. But she is a controversial rättskämpe and we thought that she had something to contribute to the exhibition, ” says Lasse Hörnäs.
“100% fight – Swedish history” tells us, among other things, about the people who are struggling to get the right to live life to the full in an egalitarian Sweden.
Police officers on the spot
” We just explained the exhibition opened. We have both police officers and security guards on site because we did not know how it would be. We chose not to make any change even though Kakan Hermansson is not involved, ” says Lasse Hörnäs.
the Exhibition runs until mid-march.
GP looking for Kakan Hermansson for a comment.
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