Saturday, November 26, 2016

Kent is forced to cancel just hours before the concert – Aftonbladet

Kent set up his concert in Denmark.

the Reason? Joakim Berg is ill and has been sångförbud of the doctor.
– I ask all who have travelled, or taken to the stadium to apologize several times, ” he says.

the Band Kent put down at the end of the year. Until then going on their farewell tour. Tonight they would have played at the Forum Arena in Copenhagen.

Just hours before the concert had the band set up, they announced on their Facebook page.

the Reason is that the vocalist Joakim Berg, 46, is ill and has been sångförbud of the doctor.

” I have a viral infection of the vocal cords, which started in a light cold. Expertläkaren I met today helped to conduct the concert tonight.

To sing in my condition would very likely lead to complications, such as ulcers on the vocal cords, and jeopardise the rest of the year’s concerts, ” says Joakim Berg.


He regrets that the band was forced to set up in the last minute.

” No one is ledsnare than I that it was not possible to carry out the gig in Copenhagen. I tried it last. I ask all who have travelled, or taken to the stadium to apologize several times. We have never in our career have set a gig and then we have probably done over a thousand gigs. It feels not fun at all.

the Concert will now be moved to Sunday, december 4th. The tickets purchased for tonight’s concert will be valid on the new concert.

Hope everyone can get there. Once again I am so sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you and sorry.

the Fans in grief

the Fans are reacting with great disappointment that the concert is cancelled. Many are unsure if they will be able to be on site on 4 december. On Facebook raging angry and sad opinions.

"Sitting on a restaurant in Copenhagen that is filled with people who apparently would get there they also. People even crying because they can’t get here in a week again!!!! Imagine if we got to know in the afternoon at least," writes a fan.

"But vaffan – we have travelled from London to see Kent and how can I set the two hours before the gig? Lousy!", writes another.

It is yet unclear whether Joakim Berg’s condition will affect the next sverigespelningarna and if they are going to have to be moved. The band’s press officer, Sandra Nordin says she can’t answer it today.


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