Saturday, November 19, 2016

Viewers ‘ anger after TV4′s requirements on the idols – the Express newspaper

Strejkhotet against “Idol” has worsened.

a logical fallacy backed up by several trade unions in the battle against TV4.

at the same time protesting several viewers in the social media against TV4 and produktionsbolagets requirements.

In the Wednesday announced the musicians union to go on strike unless the participants in Swedish TV4′s "Idol" gets better paid and working conditions.

the Federation wants the production company Fremantle Media signs a collective bargaining agreement before 14: 00 next Friday – otherwise, the musicians union to take industrial action.

During the fredagsförmiddagen published the Construction, real Estate, Seko, the Painters and the Electricians a joint statement in support of the musicians union:

” It is extremely shocking and serious to the production company Fremantle Media refuses to sign a collective agreement. It is shameful to exploit young people’s dreams and offer them working conditions that are unacceptable, unfair and unprecedented in the world of work in general, ” says avtalssekreterarna in 6F covenants.

READ MORE: Idols of fear – TV4 wants to silence artists

the trade Unions stated that it is prepared to consider joint action against the production company and the Idol.

– We declare our support for the Musikerförbundets pending industrial action and calls on the Fremantle Media to come to the negotiating table. If employers do not comply Musikerförbundets requirements is 6F prepared to consider measures, ” concludes avtalssekreterarna.

the Slots: "Prepared to consider measures"

READ MORE: the Fight continues, “You have kidnapped the idols”

Fremantle Media has also given idols the ultimatum that if they go on strike so excludes from the competition.

Fremantle Media’s managing director Magnus Karlsson Lamm defended in TV4:s “Nyhetsmorgon” the agreement with the idols:

Agreements have seen about the same through the years. We think that Idol is a competition that caters to oetablerade people, but the musicians union sees as a finished musician, and have their kind of fees. Per talked yesterday on the fees of 4,000 Per day, Per has said that it is slave-like contracts and working many hours a day. Thus, it would be 80 000 in the month, and we know musikerbranschen know that it’s not very many that have that kind of fee, ” commented Magnus Karlsson Lamm.

Viewers: the "Boycott"

Then strejkhotet and the data on the ultimatum against the idols became well-known, there are several viewers who wrote critically about the Idol of social media.

One viewer wrote on TV4′s Facebook page that it will boycott the programme:

"There will be total boycott from now on. To threaten the participants that they are going out if they go on strike. Damn.", write the person.

another viewers track to Fremantle Media will bow to the unions ‘ demands:

"I look forward to see TV4 and Fremantle Media crawl to the cross and to give the participants reasonable compensation for the work they put down."


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