Friday, November 18, 2016

The fight continues, “You have kidnapped the idols” – Expressen

Idol is threatened by a strike.

In the Lowlands debated Fremantles CEO Magnus Karlsson Lamm and Musikerförbundets lawyer Per Herrey.

“You’ve kidnapped the idols,” says Magnus Karlsson Lamm.

It was on Wednesday that the musicians union announced to go on strike unless the participants in Swedish TV4′s “Idol” gets better paid and working conditions.

the Federation wants the production company Fremantle Media signs a collective bargaining agreement before 14: 00 next Friday – otherwise, the musicians union to take industrial action.

In the Lowlands on Friday debated the Fremantles, CEO Magnus Karlsson Lamm and Per Herrey, förbundsjurist on a logical fallacy.

Per Herrey said in the programme that he thinks Fremantle will give Idoldeltagarna poorly paid and takes away the rights when they are forced to be tied up and available a lot of the time.

Magnus Karlsson Lamm responded to the criticism.

READ MORE: the claim against the idols can break the law

Magnus Karlsson Lamm: "You put the responsibility on the members"

Agreements have seen about the same through the years. We think that Idol is a competition that caters to oetablerade people, but the musicians union sees as a finished musician, and have their kind of fees. Per talked yesterday on the fees of 4,000 Per day, Per has said that it is slave-like contracts and working many hours a day. Thus, it would be 80 000 in the month, and we know musikerbranschen know that it’s not very many that have that kind of fees.

– The 1 275 per week, they get a large exposure with primetime on TV4, training and coaching. We turn to the young oetablerade to get a platform, ” says Magnus Karlsson Lambs in the Lowlands.

Magnus Karlsson Lamm mean they will do a program no matter, but he worried for the members of the musicians union forced to strike.

READ MORE: the Idols of fear – TV4 wants to silence artists

Per Herrey: “the Mentality is unhappy"

” We do not intend to charge than the other when repeated or the occur, would land on the 4-6, 000 per section, by a collective agreement, ” says Per Herrey.

” Nobody wants a strike, we want to solve this with a collective bargaining agreement.

” How many people understand the press before you go into something like this as an Idol? It is a school, ” says Fremantle. But I believe that the schools in the in the way of thinking that you should get paid by to be seen, if one is an artist. The mentality is very unfortunate, we think, ” says Per Herrey.

” It bothers me properly is that Per says that they do as they want, but they do not. If the Per has members in the Idol, he’ll then force out the poor people who may not be in the final. What choice do they have? You put a responsibility on one or more members who are sitting here with one foot in the Globe. Instead kidnaps them and say they are going to go out on strike, you do not feel a responsibility? says Magnus Karlsson Lamm.

Clara Ytterborn, executive producer at TV4, says they focus on doing a good broadcast.

” of Course, TV4 is a responsibility for all programs we send out. We must support the idols and carry out the shipments in the best way. This is a completely new situation, we do not know what will happen, they would be wrong to speculate. Now we focus on tonight’s broadcast, ” says Clara Ytterborn in the Lowlands.

Expressen has previously written about the production company has been talking with the idols on the possible strike.

Expressen has spoken with several of the musicians tells about the meeting. Representatives of the production company went through the contract with the idols and asked if they would strike. The production company told us that the idols at risk of incurring liability if they choose to strike – and thus miss a Friday final.


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