Thursday, November 3, 2016

Oscar and Farah back as ambassadors for new york – Sveriges Radio

In new york, there are thousands of large and small engagement around the country to support our fundraising. It can be anything from singing christmas carols to lastbilsbalett. As ambassadors are the Oscar and farah’s task is to coordinate all of this and encourage the audience to spread the message “Children of war have the right to go to school”.

” It’ll be fun to pick up where we left off last year. Then it became record of the number of engagement and I look forward to when the Swedish people hitting it again this year. Not everyone can give money, but everyone can get involved – organize a concert, selling buns or run for Something. My dream is that everyone in Sweden must in some way be involved in This, so to all of you out there – mobilizing to you now, Something is soon here, greet Farah. Oscar tabs:

” I am superhedrad to be with again this year. We hope that we will have even more commitment to what is Sweden’s most important week. Together we can help others get it better!

Farah Abadi grew up in Landskrona, and Oscar Zia is from Holmeja outside Svedala.


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