Monday, November 7, 2016

So it will be the new mediestödet – Today’s Media

the operating aid abolished and replaced by a production aid, according to Medieutredningens proposal. The support becomes broader, but the conditions harder.

In the day left medieutredaren Anette Novak over its final report to the minister of culture, Alice Bah Kuhnke.

the commission of Inquiry proposes a “modernized mediestöd”, which shall enter into force in 2018.

One of the main features of the proposal is that the day of public subsidies in the form of operating aid will be replaced by a production aid, which can include all of the content and spridningssformer. It means that the aid is not limited to paid newspapers, but can be given also to the digital media, newspapers, news and photo agencies.

the Investigation at the same time suggests that the budget framework increases progressively, with a total of 165 million up to 2020, since it then amounts to 732,1 million.

While the framework for the aid increase, are also imposed new conditions on those granted. The investigation requires, among other things, a “qualitative and comprehensive journalistic content”.

in Addition, the investigation that the same conditions that exist in radio – and tv act, shall also apply to the news media who are granted mediestöd.

– Despite the fact that the requirement on quality and internal diversity, in itself, means that there is a breadth of perspective and representation, it needs to be made clear, through their own conditions, said Anette Novak at pressträffen where the proposal was announced.

” I will get the question if the condition damages the yttrandetfriheten. The answer is no, she continued.

The new support shall be calculated on the basis of costs instead of on the basis of paid circulation, and the requirements will be lower for start-up media and media directed to minorities.

The proposal also includes a clearer separation from the state. Medieutredningen proposes that the new mediestödet be distributed by a new mediestödsnämnd, without political representation. Board members should instead be nominated by the media industry.

– the Board need to do quality assessments on media content, as a politician, neither can or should do, ” said Anette Novak.

Medieutredningen also suggests that even an investigation tillsetts, with the task to find new funding opportunities for the media.

“the Money that mediestödet can provide does not cover the need,” said Anette Novak.

One of the huvudpoängerna with medieutredningens proposal is to strengthen local journalism.

According to a survey Medieutredningen implemented believes 43 per cent of the citizens that they do not receive adequate information about important local events.

– local journalism is the hub of our democracy. For me it is equally obvious that there must be a journalist in Värnamo, which is that there should be a police officer, said Alice Bah Kuhnke at today’s press conference.

Sex news in the new mediestödet

  • the Aid is calculated is no longer based on paid circulation, but the media costs.
  • Responsible utgivarskap becomes tröskelvillkor.
  • Additional support can be provided for the monitoring of municipalities without journalistic presence.
  • Additional support can be provided for efforts to expand accessibility for persons with disabilities.
  • Start-up media and the media to the sami people and national minorities have lower requirements on the användarförankring.
  • Independence from the state increases. The aid is anchored in a new mediestödslag that changes the role of the parliament away from the detail-oriented decisions, to ensure the long-term direction. Aid is distributed by a joint mediestödsnämnd, with representatives nominated by the media industry.

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