Friday, November 4, 2016

The long journey towards the gloomy end of the “Rabin – the last day” – bbc Radio

if you are arriving from Israel, so the context just as clearly as if a swede would see a title that read: “Palme – the last day”. For the assassination of Ytzhak Rabin in november 1995, is a trauma for the whole of the Middle east since the murder of many is seen as dödsskottet against the peace process between Israel and Palestine.

Yitzhak Rabin, thank you all, who has come to one of the large rallies that were held during the intense period surrounding the negotiations for peace between Israel and Palestine in 1995. In människomassan were constantly haters, those dolls with the procession of the face in the SS-uniform, or with the Palestine-scarf and hand grenades around the life. Yithzak Rabin was loved and hated. Where it ends, perhaps, the similarities with Olof Palme, at least in terms of how he died, Yitzhak Rabin was murdered in public by a young religious fundamentalist, a man who felt it was every jew’s duty to murder the man who sold out Israel, the holy land.

That Amos Gitai is a strong opponent against all religious fundamentalism, as we know as seen some of his earlier films, most clearly visible perhaps in the film “Kadosh” about two sisters and their relationship to the men in the conservative judaism.

In the “Rabin – the last day” works Gitai as always, in the long shots and slow scenes. Here are rättegångsscener and questioning, which I guess is based on the historically accurate source material, but it also played the scenes where we get to Gitais picture of how the individuals in this drama, thought and felt. It abounds with ministers, investigators, prosecutors, police officers, bodyguards and ordinary israelis. For an israeli audience is, of course, many well-known, but for us who do not know Israel, Hans Holmér, or Ebbe Carlsson so it gets a bit messy, it is as if Amos Gitai’t really decided if this is a film that turns inward or outward.

the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin was a disaster for the peace process in Israel, it is, of course, but if there was a peace process that Israel would have won something, there is the issue that brought the killer. We currently have over twenty years later, stuck in a spiral of hatred, violence and the increasingly unforgiving conversations is for me anyway an evidence that the murder was a disaster – and that any literal interpretation of the thousand-year-old or centuries-old religious writings leads to oppression, dictatorship, hatred, and murder.
But it was actually Amos Gitai been able to show with one hour of short film.


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