Friday, December 18, 2015

Måns Hirschfeldt of “Louder than Bombs” – Radio Sweden

The movie Oslo, August 31st was the Norwegian filmmaker Joachim Trier’s big break in 2011 and the new “Louder than Bombs” examines Trier wings with an international cast. The film competed at Cannes last spring and won the Bronze Horse at the Stockholm International Film Festival in November. Today it goes up on the ordinarierepertoaren.Måns Hirschfeldt reviewing.

Louder than Bombs’s a fitting title for a film that is wedged between Star Wars and Christmas premieres the need might slap higher than bombs labeled in the competition … But at the same time as it is well antithesis referred to with the title: it’s the silence that can sometimes be deafening …


Well, it’s a family with an unprocessed loss. A father and two sons. The mother of the family was a war photographer, but was killed in a car accident shortly after she arrived home to try to live a more “normal” life.

And there we soon get to know it as the youngest son not knows – that she actually killed himself. But to tell you it will be well not easier when the father and son are heading into a galloping kontaktlöshet that looks can conclude how bad any time, you get a little skolskjutning- or overdose vibes …

an honest drama, thus:

Yes, that gets power by Joachim Trier’s remarkable feeling for the here and now, which is both close and distant at the same time. It may look coldly realistic, but is also extremely cinematic. It is also often very quiet even when it should not be that which gives a special atmosphere and it lingers long after the film ends. And that peculiar little unreal atmosphere in the midst of everyday life is very characteristic of Joachim Trier as a filmmaker, I think.

How he creates it?

Very important in this case is that the action takes place in the external and internal simultaneously. We see both what happens in the film now – but also what the characters are thinking or dreaming about and it has happened before. It is located on different levels of consciousness, but the talks plan and it feels entirely clear, although it is telling in terms jädrigt advanced – thanks to some of the best cut I’ve seen in a long time. Joachim Trier work after having a tight team, the mower and photographer in all his movies and there rests a pale, little clinical light on the pictures, it’s as if you had to squint to certain scenes. As if anything is exposed and becomes transparent but we are seeing is perhaps just very … ordinary.

Last but not least, there are many renowned actor …

This is such where the film that the American character actor David Strathairn is in. If you know him, he knows that he guarantees on certain stature and existential tone that also excels Louder than Bombs. Then there are also Isabelle Huppert, Gabriel Byrne and Jesse Eisenberg as well, so it’s an international star production. And a through-composed film experience.


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