“Paulina” is about a young, idealistic teacher who takes a job in a poor province in Paraguay, where she is subjected to a rape. Dolores Fonzi is playing the lead role.
the CINEMA. DRAMA. Argentina (La patota), 2015. Director: Santiago Mitre. By: Dolores Fonzi, Oscar Martinez, Christian Salguero. Age limit: 15 years. Length: 1.43.
Paulina is a young, idealistic juridikstudent, soon complete his doctoral thesis. Her father, the judge, predict a brilliant career. But the daughter has decided instead to work as a teacher in a poor province near the border with Paraguay. She wants to be actively involved to change people’s lives.
Prelude Santiago Mitres film is a spänningsfylld discussion between father and daughter, where she accuses him, the former political radical lawyer, for snobbery and elitism. It is the first clash between the two. More will follow Paulina later make completely different choices than those of both the father and the other close to her wish.
The teenage students puts her to the test when they are not interested in the democracy – and medbestämmandeövningar she put in the time. After a night with a lot of wine with a colleague, becomes Paulina in the dark, assaulted by a bunch of young men and raped. A short time later she is back at school, where she discovers that some of the perpetrators are in her class.
"Paulina" is based on a novel and was filmed first time in the 60′s. It doesn’t surprise that the story still attracts because it is as dramatic and exciting as a well-made thriller. In addition, discussing the film’s moral and ideological issues, and the always relevant issue of how the individual can best live the life she teaches.
the Director of the Mitre choose a right intricate narrative structure, and the cuts between the different levels. The rape to the police, Paulina undergo a medical examination and then she tells about her experiences for a woman possibly a therapist. Clips from the latter will return and get one for the spectator distanserande effect. I am not convinced that the grip works one hundred percent. In some moment it becomes instead a little bit confusing.
Paulina goes all of the time and his own way, also when she denies who the perpetrators are, and even then she says no to abortion, because rape resulted in a pregnancy. Her choice provokes, and she will never be a traditional identifikationsobjekt for the audience. Dolores Fonzi in the complex role has a strong presence in front of the camera and is continuously fascinating to watch. It also applies to Oscar Martinez that her father, where it is easy to expect that he is forced to re-evaluate a part of his principled faith in society, law and order. In a nyckelmening says Paulina about the following: "When the poor are involved in crime, society is more interested in blaming than of the underlying truth."
It can be easy to see Paulina as a sort of female Kristusgestalt, but Mitre is not out in such a purpose. The film’s deep critique of society, with the cape pointing towards how the individual is shaped by the surrounding society, has other overtones. When Paulina in the final purposefully walk in the way embodies, she is still something so unusual as a revolutionary idea.
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