What do two teenage girls to leave their home in Norway to join IS in Syria? In called “Two sisters” depicts Åsne Seierstad the family’s despair and follow in the girls footsteps to radical islam.
Åsne Seierstad is up to date with the “Two sisters”, a documentary-style book about two Norwegian girls that connects to the ICE.
One October day in 2013, leaving the 19-year-old Ayan and her 16-year-old sister Leila home in the Norwegian Bærum and travelling to Syria to start a new life as jihadistkvinnor. They send an e-mail to the family where they declare that they love them and ask for their forgiveness, but that “the muslims are attacked from all sides and we must do something”.
some time later, contact their desperate parents a publisher and want to tell their story – skrivuppdraget go to Åsne Seierstad. Then, in the belief that her daughters have been kidnapped and that the book will end with their father manages to save them back to Norway. But the truth is that the girls have gone to Syria of their own free will, “for the sake of Allah”, and do not want to return home. In the book portrayed the father Sadiqs desperation and his dangerous trips to Syria to try to download the homes of their daughters.
” the First year I worked with the book, I thought that they wanted home, it was what the father said to me and all the others. But Sadiq was not a lie but a strong wishful thinking. He did not admit to himself and to others that the daughters had traveled voluntarily, ” says Åsne Seierstad.
We meet at a hotel in Stockholm with designer furniture and a large, locked gate in which only the competent are allowed in. A safe place where radicalisation and the war feels very far away. For Åsne Seierstad, the two and a half years she has worked with the “Two sisters” has been instructive and eye-opening.
” I’m used to dive down in the communities, which is completely new for me as in Chechnya or in Afghanistan, but now I dove down in my own country and found that much was entirely new to me. That the meetings I was at with the organization Islam Net, where young people are encouraged to take distance from Norway.
Åsne Seierstad adds that she has not heard of the organisation call for violence or to travel to Syria but to the extreme, religious organizations bear part of the responsibility in bearing on radicalisation processes. Then, take some young people, the final step themselves.
– The most radicalized traveling to Syria, but I believe that the most dangerous radicalisation is the distancing from the society you live in. There is a need for more dialogue, tolerance and resources to children and young people. You can not at the same time as they have a big immigration cut down on the libraries and recreation centers, and hope it’ll go well.
Europe is in a lärofas when it comes to radicalisation, believes Seierstad. Today, scientists know much more than 2013 when the sisters traveled. But it comes to see the early signs. It was also for the reason that Sadiq and his wife Sarah wanted that their story would become a book. In retrospect, the many signs of how the daughters of the radicalized over a longer period of time. When it happened they interpreted it as the heartache and the girls were busy with schoolwork.
Seierstad draw the picture of the sisters through other people’s testimonials and documentation. An important part of the book is chattkonversationerna between the sisters and the younger brother of Ishmael. The language is tonårsaktigt and they talk about everything from hair gel and the homework as to why they have traveled. The sisters tease with his brother and is trying to persuade him to respect their decision and yourself a trip there. Ishmael is upset and question them constantly.
the Last time the family heard from the sisters in september of this year, when the youngest, Leila, called me to wish the family a good id al-fitr. They are now married with a ICE-warriors and the mothers. There is a bloody offensive against IS in Mosul, and maybe al-Raqqa next on the tour.
– It may be too late for them to be saved, and it is not certain that they would like it now either. They have such a strong belief in Paradise as a concrete place and they have done everything right to be among the elect.
the Facts: Åsne Seierstad
Author and journalist.
Born in 1970.
Live in Oslo with their two children.
Has been a correspondent in Russia and China, and reported from the krigshärdar on, inter alia, the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Struck through with called “the Bookseller in Kabul” (2002). Subsequently she has written “the Angel of Grozny: stories from Chechnya” (2008) and “One of us: a story of Norway” (2013), about Anders Behring Breivik.
Current with called “Two sisters” published by Albert Bonniers förlag and has been nominated for the prestigious Norwegian award, Bragepriset, which will be awarded on november 23.
Facts: Two sisters
the Story in the book is based on, among other things, interviews with family, friends, school staff, and documentation, chat logs, report cards, essays and film notes.
the Sisters, in the book called Ayan and Leila, has not responded to Åsne Seierstads try to contact. They have not commented on the book.
After the conflict with “the Bookseller in Kabul”, where Åsne Seierstad was sued by the main character for how he and his family portrayed in the book is Åsne Seierstad very careful. “Two sisters” has genomlästs by lawyers and discussed with researchers and experts. Those who have chosen to participate have had the opportunity to read through the text.
the Idea for the book came from her parents Sadiq and Sara.
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