Friday, June 12, 2015

This is what Norway on Foo Fighters – Göteborgs-Posten

On Friday occupy the Foo Fighters Ullevi. Two days earlier, the band played in Oslo – and the Norwegian papers were not particularly impressed.

Foo Fighters played before a full house at the Telenor Arena in Oslo on Wednesday. 20,000 saw the concert, including our own Johan Lindqvist and a number of Norwegian reviewers.

Read also: Join the GP at the Foo Fighters from 19:00!

Read also: Johan Lindqvist: Foo Fighters start summer party

Read also: Interview with the band: “We are now at their best”

Listen: GP Spotify songs from Norway playback


Verdens Gang reviewer gives the concert four of a possible six, and notes that the show did not have nowhere to go after the hard introduction. Foo Fighters give everything, but with little finesse – therefore the concert more monotonous than really necessary.

In addition, Dave Grohls crowd-pleasing little too significantly, by about a half-hour between snack. However, the reviewer adds that the Foo Fighters is an amazing dynamic band, even though they so clearly comes from Pixies- and Nirvana tradition of low-key verses and choruses ösiga, and that “it is in hvert cases 19,999 mennesker in Norway you fryktelig uenig with meg “.

He anticipates therefore that audiences appreciate the show much more than he is.

Even in Dagbladet review will be reviewed one four according to the Norwegian system of ratings 1-6.

The magazine’s critic writes that “Dave Grohl only have a few tricks, but he uses them well” – such as a very palpable charisma and energy. Like the VG’s critics think he is, however, that it adds an unnecessary amount of effort into the introduction, where the band quickly fell the most in his mind three biggest songs Everlong, Monkey Wrench and Learn to flee.

Some elements of the concert will be also unbearably protracted, especially since Grohl insists on running out on the 50 meter long catwalk and Showa for the audience.

“Grohl love rock so much that he must say he loves rock all the time,” writes the reviewer a taunt against the talking.

Foo Fighers may praise for the show is well structured and has a good flow, with a track selection which is a nice summary of the band’s catalog. There will be a varied and interesting ride by Foo Fighters 20 years long career.


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